
A Proven System
The basic concept was established by HUGI a long time ago, but since then it has been continuously developed and improved. Hence, as an all-rounder, the HUGI MS600 remains unsurpassed. The standard table-top model design is available as the MS600/2 with an accuracy to within 2 μm or as MS600/6 with an accuracy to within 6 μm.

Individual Modules
The hopper unit assure that the bowl feeder is continuously supplied. The presence control unit optoelectronically detects the parts arriving between the micrometer rollers. If they are not detected because the feeder is empty or a disruption has occurred, the device is shut down and an alarm is triggered (blinking light or optional acoustic signal).

Compact Construction
The especially developed aluminum extrusion frame permits the compact set-up of the MS600, the bowl feeder and the hopper unit on adjustable supports. At the same time the system can be modified to suit special needs: for example by using larger collector containers under the machine. All the control functions are integrated into one housing (Control Standard Variant II). This configuration is suitable for completely automated operation with a large degree of autonomy for large batches or large parts.